All companies in the Firian Group fulfil the highest national and international standards in fire protection. We are regularly tested and certified by the most renowned institutions. Safety you can rely on.
Our service for you:
Certificates, brochures and more to download
Code of conduct German →
Code of Conduct English →
Code of Conduct Dutch →
Code of Conduct Croatian →
Code of Conduct Hungarian →
Code of Conduct polish →
Firian performance brochure →
Declaration of Commitment Minimum Wage Act →
Tax office building performance certificate according to § 13b →
Tax office exemption certificate according to § 48b →
High-pressure water mist flyer →
PQ-VOB certificate →
VdS installer approval exclusively for the control of fire extinguishing systems →
VdS certification fire alarm systems DIN 14675 →
VdS approval CO2 high pressure fire extinguishing system →
VdS certification service provider for security systems DIN 16763 →
VdS approval spark extinguishing systems →
VdS certificate gas extinguishing systems with non-liquefied intergases →
VdS certificate for hazard detection systems →
VdS certificate quality management Grossräschen →
VdS certificate quality management Kirchheim →
VdS certificate quality management Taucha →
VdS recognition of foam extinguishing systems →
VdS approval welding procedure →
VdS certificate sprinkler systems →
VdS approval water spray extinguishing systems →
VdS approval water mist high pressure →
VdS approval water mist low pressure →
Certificate EMS according to DIN EN ISO 14001:2015 →
Certificate AMS according to DIN EN ISO 45001:2023